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Longer seed tube life, better spacing

Traditional seed tubes create erratic seed spacing due to premature wear and the sensor location. BullsEye seed tubes have tungsten carbide tips that make the seed tube last longer and a recessed sensor eye to prevent inconsistent seed spacing, eliminating the frustration of finding out your stand is not all that you expected when it emerges.

Avoid Premature Wear

Prevent early seed tube wear and get long life with the tungsten-carbide tip on the BullsEye tube. This simple wear tip prevents disk openers from wearing a flap of plastic that slows down the seed as it exits, causing poor spacing. It's a simple solution to an annoying problem

Eliminate Spacing Issues

Many seed tubes have a sensor that protrudes into the seed tube, which causes the seeds to hit the sensor and bounce, causing poor spacing.  The BullsEye tube prevents this issue with a recessed sensor eye that eliminates sensor interference.  See the difference in the path the seed takes in the time lapse picture to the right.

Consider a Better Sensor

BullsEye has long life and great spacing, but still uses traditional light beam sensors that can give inaccurate population counts in dusty conditions.  Consider WaveVision, a seed tube and sensor that adds sensor technology that will not count dust, providing you with an accurate population no matter the conditions.

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